January 3, 2019

We are all EQUAL

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     We are all born the same way as humans, and therefore deserve the same rights and acceptance as long as we all follow the laws. But there are certain groups of people who have faced injustice and discrimination because they are of a specific race, skin color and/or culture that some of us consider to be part of lower category of human beings
   I believe all people must be treated equally. Race,sex,age,religion,and other pretty differences should not matter. People in general are equal but hold different statuses in life. You can hold a higher status, have special laws for your race,and be considered above the rest but in the end we are all still the same. Every one has the right to be here on Earth.
    Most of us have a God given belief that all human beings are born equal;which means that everyone has equal qualities and equal attributes and gets equal opportunities to excel in life. They said that all men are created equal. I try to live by this ideal. My parents taught me that I should accept all people and treat them equally. Human rights are universal in nature, to mean that they are applicable in every part of the universe to everyone. 
     I hope that someday, when a person looks at another they won't judge them until they actually meet them. Race, sex, age, and religion don't make someone any less of a person. A person's age should not matter. Both young and old should have the same rights. As long as a person is educated, they have a right to form an opinion about it.


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