February 7, 2019

New Year, New Me

With 2019 around the corner, you'll hear people say "new year, new me" in multiple occasions. This points to resolutions they're making o bring about some major changes in their lives; things like eating healthier, paying off debt or travelling more. Whether or not we believe in resolutions, this time of the year inspires us all to reflect and figure out ways to improve.
          For many people New year is a chance to finally get rid of some old habits and try and make some positive changes to their day to day lives. New year, New me? Oh that is not a phrase that I want to live by this year. I don't see thee need to go and start changing everything about myself just because we're entering new year. I actually like the person that I am, and I don't have the desire to change myself. Entering this new year I don't want to change myself, I want to be the same as the old me but to be a better one.
          I'm at a good place in my life, where I have a better understanding of who I am, and who I want to be. But I also know that there is always a room for a little self improvement, and you will never stop growing as a person. I hope I am the same me that I am today. I hope I still have my smile, outgoing personality, the same positive attitude, and the same love for life that I do now. But I also hope that I can look back on the year and honestly say that I'm an even better person than I was.

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