August 24, 2018


          Disaster Resilience is the ability of individuals, organizations, communities to adapt to and recover from hazards, shocks, or stresses. Disasters are highly disruptive events that cause suffering, deprivation, hardship, injury and even death. We do not know when and what time the disaster may happen. This may happen anytime so we must always prepared to face this disaster. 
Image result for disaster
           We all know that Philippines is known to be a disaster prone country because it is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. So we always experienced natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and many more that can lead us to death and destruction of properties. This past few years people in Tacloban City, Leyte experienced Yolanda's ferocity where many people suffered, injured, and died. Many properties and structures were destroyed. They also grief for their loved ones who died. Some of them were sad because of what happen. It's just like a bubble that suddenly loses all your hardships in life. In this kind of situation, we must accept the fact and start a new beginning, a new life. 
          Recovery takes time. It is important to allow yourself time to process your circumstances and regain a sense of normalcy. There are things you can do to heal and rebuild. First, allow yourself extra time to get things done. Second, release your emotions and tension by talking to someone you trust. This can help put things into perspective. 
           No matter how the disaster destructive is, we should always stay strong and be brave. we must help one another. We must think about the welfare of others not only ourselves. Let us not lose hope and have trust in the Lord. We will start our lives again and we must be ready anytime so that when this tragedy or disaster happens again we will be prepared. 


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